A hidden ecosystem of giant sea spiders, octopuses, and other stunning sea creatures shows how life can flourish even when ...
In the depths of the ocean, near the South Sandwich Islands, a remarkable marine creature has been filmed. This is not an ...
A calving iceberg exposed a region that never before had been seen by human eyes, revealing a vibrant, thriving ecosystem ...
A new article expands our understanding of sensory neurons in the tentacles of sea anemones, linking them to kidney disease in humans through a common gene.
Pixar’s 2003 classic Finding Nemo introduced many children and adults to marine biology for the first time. Among other things, it highlighted the symbiotic relationship between clownfish and their ...
A research team observing anemonefish in the field found they engage in interesting feeding behavior with their host sea anemones. Anemonefish, sometimes called clownfish, have been popular ...
Living symbiotically with sea anemones that shelter them from predators, the fish drive away organisms that nibble at their hosts. Anemonefish have also shown they will provide their hosts with ...
Biological sciences researchers from the U of A have led publication of a paper that expands our understanding of sensory neurons in the tentacles of ...
Get Instant Summarized Text (Gist) Research has identified a link between the PKD-1 gene, associated with human kidney disease, and mechanosensory hair cells in sea anemones. This gene enables ...
tentacled sea creature was a new invasive species. Their findings were published earlier this month by Cambridge University Press. The next step is to map beadlet anemone sightings. Researchers ...
A Thai diver warned others after she was injured in Chum Phon sea, but she ended up being slammed over her swimsuit.