The sea otter’s grooming regimen will be familiar to anyone with a cat. Like cats, sea otters spend considerable time licking ...
Weighing up to five pounds, pups are born in the water with their eyes open. They start eating solid foods shortly after birth, but are dependent on their mothers for up to a year. Pups start diving ...
The sea otter is one of 13 species of otter and is a member of the weasel family. It can be found on the Pacific coasts of North America and Asia. Sea otters spend most of their lives in the water ...
Bixby's pup has had a turbulent life so far, being kidnapped by two other sea otters and being ransomed for food from Bixby! We'll update you throughout our filming about this remarkable duo.
A study last year strengthened the link between recovering sea otter populations and the long-term health of kelp forests – the towering brown algae that provide food and shelter for thousands of ...