Authorities in Florida said two ‘strong’ 16-year-old girls managed to survive 16 hours stranded on a paddleboard before being ...
After using drones for the first time, the project's recent survey reported a 10% decline in the number of sightings of porpoises per hour. However, Nadia Tomsa, manager of sea trust Wales which ...
A new Bigg’s orca calf was spotted in the Salish Sea last week among a group of more than a dozen killer whales, according to ...
An attempt to put tracking devices on three porpoises caught in the North Sea by Wageningen researchers has resulted in the death of one of the animals, One of the porpoises was successfully fitted ...
An environmental group in the U.K. says the North Sea tanker collision could become a "disaster in really important protected ...
Podolsky co-directed Sea of Shadows, a National Geographic documentary about activists’ and undercover investigators’ work to help save the species. In this fight against extinction ...
A wildlife expert says he is concerned about a sudden drop in sightings of porpoises on the north Wales coast. Mick Green, ...