The gods of old Egypt rule over us here ... pharaoh’s beard and his legs are wrapped in mummy bandages. Sekhmet was a warrior goddess and a goddess of healing. People believed she protected ...
Sekhmet, the goddess of war and pestilence ... god and the Greek God of War throwing powerful blows back and forth. Egyptian god Anubis Hieroglyphic. Anubis, the god of the afterlife, does ...
A rare, nearly complete skull unearthed in the Egyptian desert has led to the identification of a new species of apex predator, Bastetodon.
What has the body of a dog, the face of a cat and jaws powerful enough to potentially crush the bones of an elephant? Meet ...
A God of War set in Ancient Egypt has been rumored for the longest time, and if it actually happens, there are a handful of ...
The team, led by renowned Egyptian paleontologist Dr Hesham Sallam, has also reclassified a group of predatory mammals that was first identified 120 years ago. The study, conducted by lead researcher ...
The Bastetodon is named for the cat-headed Egyptian goddess Bastet. Bastet was the sister of Sekhmet, the namesake of the hyaenodont genus Sekhmetops (Credit: Professor Hesham Sallam) The group ...
In their paper, the team also construct the genus Sekhmetops to describe this century-old material and to honor Sekhmet, the lion-headed goddess of wrath and war in ancient Egyptian mythology ...