Be ready to read the fine print and ask for details to make sure you are eligible for discounts. You will often be required to show proof of age, such as an ID or membership card. Common senior ...
You may have to prove your age, perhaps with a driver's license or AARP card. You may have to join ... at • Flowers. Senior discounts sometimes—but not always—trump ...
Many travel discounts for seniors require proof of age, such as an ID or membership card. Read the fine print and ask for details to see if you are eligible. Seniors can find discounts for many ...
You will be asked to register, have a DeCicco Preferred Card and show identification to qualify for the senior discount. Check with the store near you, as the day of the discount offer varies.
Is it right for restaurants, movie theaters and hotels to offer discounts to all senior citizens, regardless of their means? I'm a thirtysomething woman with family responsibilities on a modest ...