When his work was complete, he threw a housewarming party that turned into a tragically bad pun (some might say metaphor) when the fire he lit in the hearth quickly spread up through the ...
President Donald Trump’s “drill, baby, drill” call for a resurgence in United States oil production will be frustrated by the reluctance of Wall Street to ...
Senior Vice President and Director of Research, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas The "shale revolution" has stimulated tremendous production of oil and natural gas in the United States. The ...
US oil and gas production exploded in the past 15 years as drillers found ways to unlock vast deposits locked in shale rocks. Wall Street funded a headlong drilling race that made the US the world ...
Geothermal energy. Two recent projects are testing and proving that shale technology can be adapted to extract energy from hot rocks deep underground. The oil and gas drilling industry initiated ...
Fracking-the high-pressure injection of water, chemicals and sand into shale deposits to release the gas and oil trapped within the rock-in recent years has been combined with horizontal drilling ...