Lamb carcase weights have been on the rise thanks to advancements in genetics and productivity helping producers to drive ...
There is much more life in the sheep trade since the weekend, with factory agents exhibiting a much greater demand for hoggets. Supplies have also tightened considerably which is adding more ...
After several weeks of carcass weight limit and price reductions, this week's sheep trade has seen prices increase by up to ...
The marketing of sheep can have a significant difference on the level of competition with a particularly sharp trade for ...
AMERICAN farmers have recommended president Donald Trump apply tariffs of around 30 percent be applied to all imported lamb ...
A national wether trial that measures dollar value has highlighted an $80 average per head difference between the top and ...
Cattle and lamb prices took a downturn this week.Victorian saleyards have reported light lambs sold into the Middle East, ...
PRIME lamb producers will get practical insights into how genetics can perform on farm, at a workshop in Gundagai this Friday ...
Recent price and weight cuts are costing sheep farmers around €32.50 per hogget, according to the ICSA Sheep Committee chair.
ICSA Sheep chair Willie Shaw has said that recent price and weight cuts are costing sheep farmers approximately €32.50 per hogget. "Those who committed to feeding hoggets to heavier weights on the ...