I don’t blame you if you believe all M. Night Shyamalan movies are just 90-minute setups for a twist you never saw coming (and probably didn’t want to see). I wouldn’t blame you because the ...
Shyamalan's movie Trap reveals its big twist in the first trailer, surprising viewers. Hartnett's character in Trap may have more to his twist beyond being the villain. Shyamalan's movies ...
Night Shyamalan movie he's starring in. And McAvoy, at least, nails it. He breaks out his full actor's arsenal of ticks and affectations, playing some personalities with a twitchy humour and ...
Night Shyamalan movie adaptation from the public ... even more masterful bending from Katara, Appa, and Momo to be as fluffy as ever, and Aang to learn a new bending form (or two).” ...
Night Shyamalan. The yet-untitled project is a supernatural romantic thriller, an original film that Shyamalan is writing, based on the same original romantic story that bestselling author ...