In the Sikh religion, hair is considered to be very sacred, with the Rehat Maryada or Sikh code of conduct forbidding the cutting or shaving any body hair for initiated Sikhs. Keisha Sethi ...
“Sikhs, Muslims and employees of other minority ... told The Times the policy was not specifically targeting facial hair but instead focusing on the need for guards to wear masks that could ...
An edict handed down in 1699 by the 10th Sikh Guru - Gobind Singh – require Sikhs not to cut their hair. The turban, part of the Bana or military uniform at that time, was used to keep and ...
TEACHER: People who have been initiated into the Sikh faith aren’t allowed to cut their hair. They cover their heads with turbans or headscarves. The man and girl enter the gurdwara. NORA ...