Sneezing can cause changes in chest pressure and capacity that affect the heart rate and blood flow, but the heart itself doesn't stop; rather, it has a brief alternation of rhythm that ...
the 'violent' sneeze had caused him to tear the inner lining of the artery in his neck — a condition known as a vertebral artery dissection (VAD). This tear then caused a blood clot to develop ...
Uncontrollable sneezing, blood shot eyes and headaches welcome to the Houston’s peak season of Oak Pollen season — which is ...
On the third sneeze, the dad-of-one experienced a blinding ... The 35-year-old was blue-lighted to hospital where doctors gave him blood-thinning medication to prevent further blood clots.
Ian Applegate’s sneeze was so powerful it tore the artery that supplies blood to his brain — now he wants to recover before his wife gives birth Cara Lynn Shultz is a writer-reporter at PEOPLE.