Krotos作为好莱坞音效界的巨擘,其产品线强大到让人眼花缭乱!他们主要分为两条产品线,一条是专注于游戏和影视音效制作的插件系列,另一条则是订阅制的Krotos Studio综合音效平台。插件系列包括Weaponiser(武器声音制作)、Reformer Pro(声效声替工具)、Dehumaniser 2(怪兽音制作)、Igniter(汽车引擎制作)等,每一款都堪称音效制作的神器!而Krotos ...
The Flex Studio is a unique high-tech recording space in the Brandeis Library for live tracking sessions. It has more floor space than the SIMS Sound Studio, allowing for flexible microphone setups to ...
We are located on Farber Level 3 and our area comprises four creative spaces: a media classroom, a collaborative editing lab, a Video/Photo Studio, and a Sound Studio. Our student staff provides ...
The Recording Studio is a well-equipped, modestly-sized, three room facility. The studio is designed to be as flexible as possible for a wide variety of beginner and advanced users. The studio is a ...
In 2010 Reed Black started working as an in-house engineer at Justin King’s Vinegar Hill Sound (VHS) studio in Brooklyn, New York. At the time, the studio was fairly modest with an isolation ...