Irish is useless and badly taught. Gaeilgeoirí are snobs. The modh coinníollach owes me money. Peig Sayers punched me in the face. Were I my parents’ age, that’s probably how this column ...
Ireland's Minister for Rural and Community Development and the Gaeltacht, Dara Calleary, has announced funding of €4,549,261 ...
These phrases are known far and wide in Ireland. Find out what they really mean in time for St. Patrick's Day.
The leader of the main Sinn Fein opposition party, Mary Lou McDonald, told Murphy that the opposition's confidence in her had ...
Representatives of Gaeltacht housing advocates Tinteán and Raic, an umbrella campaign for equitable investment in the Irish ...
Despite 40 per cent of the Irish population claiming they can speak as Gaeilge to varying degrees, it is seldom heard in Dublin - so much so that it surprises me. Hearing cúpla focal as Gaeilge ...
DUBLIN, March 26 (Reuters) - Irish opposition parties called on the speaker of the lower house of parliament to resign on Wednesday, just three months into her term, over a dispute about speaking ...