Stents are made of tiny ... Some patients whose blockages are discovered after an imaging test, for example, and not causing physical symptoms like chest pain, may only need to manage their ...
Abbott will be trying its hand in the growing field of intravascular lithotripsy, with a clinical study to examine an unnamed ...
Critics say a new, broader definition of high-risk plaque opens the door to more tests, diagnoses, and invasive procedures, steering us down a potentially harmful path.
Press Release Distributed by To view the original version on ABNewswire visit: Coronary Stents Market ...
Heart and vascular care at OhioHealth Hospital received a $5 million upgrade this year as part of a $14.9 million investment ...
IVUS and OCT cited as playing essential and complementary roles, validating Novasight’s unique hybrid imaging capability – Guidelines constitute strong recommendations based on the highest level of ...