2023 年,AWS 首次公开宣布支持 Iceberg,预览版允许用户使用其云原生数据仓库 Redshift 在外部数据湖中运行 Iceberg 表的分析查询,但仅限于新建表,不支持从 Parquet 转换为 Iceberg 的表。
在云计算的浩瀚海洋中,AWS似乎找到了自己的北极星——Apache Iceberg。这家全球最大的云基础设施供应商,正在积极回应其广受欢迎的S3对象存储用户的需求,全面采用这一开放表格式技术。 虽然Iceberg在行业中的知名度正在稳步上升,竞争对手Delta Lake(由Databricks开发)却仍然面临着未来不确定性的诸多疑问。尽管作为Microsoft和SAP等巨头代表的Delta Lak ...
Some people hailed Amazon Web Service Inc.’s December announcement that S3 tables will fully support Apache Iceberg as a ...
A TABULAR iceberg 20 nautical miles long was observed by the Nimbus II satellite Advanced Vidicon Camera System (AVCS) from May to August 1966 in an area approximately 350 miles north-east of ...
6月4日,Databricks 宣布收购 Apache Iceberg 表格式背后的商业机构 Tabular,Iceberg表格式与 Databricks 自己的 Delta 格式存在竞争关系,为 Databricks 客户在其 ...
But, you would be wrong. This is actually a naturally occurring phenomenon. What you're seeing is a tabular iceberg. Tabular icebergs form a plateau, with a flat top. Unlike non-tabular icebergs ...
But the tabular berg didn't move far from the coast before its deep keel anchored it rigidly to the Weddell's bottom-muds. Iceberg A23a first began to stir from its long static slumber in 2020 So ...
Such objects are not unknown, however, and even have a name - tabular icebergs ... It's difficult to tell exactly how big the iceberg is from the photo, but experts said it was probably more ...
TerraSAR-X will provide the tell-tale data. The world's largest recorded iceberg was the tabular block that became known as B-15. When it broke off the Ross Ice Shelf in 2001, it had a surface ...