On our planet today, rapid decarbonization is necessary if we are to protect and safeguard the Earth’s future for generations to come. However, given that our societies rely on fossil-fuel based ...
There are several economic and technical obstacles that make the deployment of thorium challenging. Despite its abundance, the metal is currently expensive to extract. “The mineral monazite, which is ...
Thorium has emerged as a potentially crucial resource in the global quest for alternative fuels. The slightly radioactive element is extremely abundant—three to four times more common in nature ...
China could be sitting on top of enough thorium to power its energy needs almost forever, a national survey has revealed. This one radioactive metal alone could revolutionise global energy ...
more stable elements and releases heat which can be used to drive steam turbines. Thorium on its own is not fissile, meaning it cannot be used for fission, but it can provide the basis for a ...
The Company plans for its busiest exploration season to-date in 2025 targeting rare earth elements and thorium at its expansive land holdings in central Idaho All three projects: Lemhi Pass, Mineral ...
In 1902 Ernest Rutherford and Frederick Soddy discovered that radioactive elements, such as uranium and thorium, broke down into other elements in a predictable sequence or series. This amazing ...