Clinostomum infections, commonly referred to as yellow grub disease, are caused by parasitic flatworms that infect freshwater fish, particularly species like Nile tilapia and Tilapia zillii.
Overfishing could drive 76 per cent of Tilapia to extinction. [iStockphoto] Different fish species including three types of Tilapia in Lake Victoria are on the verge of extinction. Scientists at ...
These nets would scoop up baby fish before they could mature ... communities and the national economy. The blackchin tilapia destroys freshwater ecosystems, threatening biodiversity and food ...
Blackchin tilapia breed rapidly year-round, survive in both freshwater and saltwater, and have an omnivorous diet, preying on native species of fish, shellfish and other invertebrates. Experts ...
A new study led by Griffith University has tracked two invasive fish species—the Mozambique and spotted tilapia—and found them established in the Mitchell River catchment in Northern ...