Song Title "I'm The Mountie" Produced By Jimmy Hart & J.J. Maguire We start with perhaps one of the most annoyingly catchy songs in WWE history, "I'm The Mountie." The entrance theme was created ...
Whether he was the Blue Chipper, The Brahma Bull or the Final Boss, The Rock's theme music has set the tone for his character throughout his WWE tenure due to how different each iteration is.
Wrestling and music go hand-in-hand. Each one, when matched accordingly, can enhance the other. As you can imagine, this is not always the case. WWE had a fruitful run of songs in the early 2000's, as ...
When WWE introduced theme songs as wrestlers make their way to ring, it became an industry staple. It's at the point where if a wrestler doesn't have a unique theme song, that wrestler won't get as ...
No pyrotechnics. Just the cheers or boos from the live audience to serenade them. Sometimes entrance music in WWE is used for more than one Superstar. Here are 10 pairs of wrestlers you didn't know ...