Liberation begins with God giving the Israelites control of their own time and inviting them to commemorate and sanctify ...
As most of you know I have a tough time with the concept of God by any name, Jehovah, Yahweh, Elohim, Allah, Kami, Vishnu or the Almighty. The section of the Torah reading on Saturday at Bagels & ...
As these difficult times demand great personal sacrifice from a select few, the rest of us should consider the meaning behind ...
When the 14th of Nissan falls on Shabbat, certain halachot must be adjusted to ensure proper observance of both Shabbat and ...
Talia read the first four aliyot in Ashkenazi trope, from a standard Ashkenazi Torah scroll. For the fifth Aliyah, which ...
Developmentally, the text of the Torah is challenging for young children. The written text is not yet accessible to them because of their reading level, and even when read aloud, the language is often ...
brought with him a scaled-down Torah and did the first Torah reading outside of Earth. He also had a set of Jewish ritual items specially made for his trip, including a mezuzah with a Velcro strip ...
When they do, they are practicing a good literacy skill – asking questions as you read (or hear) a text – but also are engaging in a very Jewish way of reading Torah. I am often asked how I answer the ...
It’s not safe to be smug about security or anything for that matter, especially our Torah learning.The post From strength to strength! appeared first on
The ending of the Book of Exodus teaches that true freedom comes when we are neither the puppets of fellow humans or God but live a life where we improve ourselves, be all we can be, and help other ...
The tenth and eleventh weekly Torah readings from Exodus, Vayakkel (35:1-38:20) and Pekekudei (38:21-40:38) deal with the construction of the Tabernacle during Moses’s time. Many readers think the ...