Amnesia can impact memory recall, the formation of new memories, and independence. Learn about its types, causes, symptoms, ...
Childhood amnesia, was Freud right? Amnesia is a term used to cover the partial or complete loss of memory. It's usually associated with either physical trauma such as a blow to the head or some ...
A severe TBI is a term used when a person experiences an extended period of unconsciousness (coma) or amnesia following trauma. A severe TBI may lead to a wide range of short- or long-term changes in ...
Amnesia, or abnormal memory loss, can also result from a range of other medical conditions, sudden brain injury, substance use, or in reaction to a traumatic event. Dementia is a progressive loss ...
This special issue takes as its focus the topic of memory and its cognates, amnesia and commemoration. Memory has witnessed a remarkable efflorescence in the past few years, both in scholarly work in ...
There's a common misconception that trauma is the main cause of childhood amnesia. A logical assumption but is completely unfounded. There are many reasons why one might not remember their ...
Anterograde amnesia is a type of memory loss that makes it difficult to form new memories. Brain damage or inflammation due to a head injury is often the cause of anterograde amnesia. Anterograde ...