The trees are preferred hosts for an invasive species first reported in the state in 2014. They've since infested some areas.
The tree of heaven, Ailanthus altissima, is another problem plant with invasive tendencies. Growing upwards of 60 feet tall, the tree of heaven can rapidly spread by seed dispersal or by ...
Even though the spread of any harmful invasive carries an ecological and financial cost, some can literally change our landscape. One of such species, the “Tree-of-heaven,” is establishing a foothold ...
tree of heaven, golden bamboo, English ivy and heavenly bamboo. The reward for the removal of these invasive plants is one native tree or shrub to each Fayetteville resident that removes one of ...
Among today’s still-legal-to-buy plants that the council is concerned about are Japanese and Chinese wisterias, Norway maple, amur maple, Japanese maple, English ivy, Japanese spirea, yellow flag iris ...
Columnist Shannon Brennan writes that with this week being National Invasive Species Awareness Week, we must take more action in controlling non-native plants.
Invasive plants’ seemingly endless supply of seeds ... invasives like Callery pear (also known as Bradford pear), tree-of-heaven, princess tree, Norway maple, Japanese barberry, burning bush ...