Alyx reshaped expectations for VR gaming, Valve remains a quiet yet critical force in the industry. Despite little fanfare, ...
2月27日消息,Valve公司曾在虚拟现实(VR)领域引发广泛关注,其推出的Index头显和半衰期:Alyx分别于2019年和2020年上市。然而,自那以后,Valve在VR ...
【CNMO科技消息】根据最新的消息,Valve正在计划在2025年年底前推出其新的VR头显设备——Deckard,并且预计价格会非常高。知名内容创作者和业内人士 ...
The upcoming Valve VR headset, codenamed 'Deckard', is rumored to launch towards the the end of 2025 and is alleged to cost $1,200, according to fresh claims from a well-known content creator.
At GDC 2025, former Valve chief Monica Harrington explored the challenges of marketing a game, and how the Game of the Year ...
IT之家 2 月 27 日消息,Valve 公司曾在虚拟现实(VR)领域掀起过不小的波澜,其推出的 Index 头显和《半衰期:Alyx》分别在 2019 年和 2020 年面世。
Communication is key to success, though failing is also an absolute blast in this inventive VR puzzle game. Platforms: Meta Quest 2, Valve Index, HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, PSVR Keep Talking and ...
The newest Valve game is set to launch this summer and yet again it involves some expensive, bespoke hardware.
With no more money from VR platform holders to subsidize development, studios like People Can Fly are second-guessing their ...
The terms of the deal, Harrington said, was that Valve would fund all but $1 million of the development costs of Half-Life's ...
According to Gabe Follower, a content creator with over 200,000 followers on X, the new Valve Deckard VR headset will be available as a full bundle for $1,200, which allegedly includes some games ...