Does it focus on observable student behaviors or skills? Does it align with your course activities and assessments? Revise your objective to make it clearer and more measurable. Use action verbs like ...
Once you’ve decided your course learning objectives, you then need to break them down into module or unit learning objectives. The place where learning objectives often fall short is the verb, the ...
Programs should instead focuses attention on more concrete verbs such as "define," "argue," "analyze,""apply," "integrate," etc. Well-written learning objectives help guide the choice of assessment ...
We encourage you to develop course and program learning outcomes that will embody Miami Plan and disciplinary ... Bloom’s revised taxonomy 1 of educational objectives can help you choose verbs that ...
Determine which levels are appropriate for your course and which are missing. Some will exist in multiple categories and complexity will depend on the focus of the learning ... Objectives and Creating ...
Start with 'at the end of the session/course/programme a successful student will be able to ... There are many lists of appropriate verbs available, mostly based on Benjamin Bloom's Taxonomy of ...