The kabbalists describe good deeds as garments for the soul. Just as we dress our body to walk out in the morning, so do we ...
Westminster Abbey owns many embroidered vestments, such as copes, and altar hangings for use during the church year. The Abbey has many embroidered vestments and altar hangings in its collection.
The vestments of the Kohen Hagadol, the High Priest, received just as much attention from the Torah as the Mishkan’s (the ...
The vestments were worked in the Middle Ages in a style of ecclesiastical embroidery known as 'Opus Anglicanum'.These medieval vestments were worked in the Middle Ages in a very important style of ...
(3) Set : +15 Stamina. The Nightmare Prophet’s Vestments is a Rare quality Cloth chest piece introduced in Phase 3 of Season of Discovery.