Once the effects of a weed brownie kick in, they can last for 6 to 12 hours, depending on how strong it is. That’s much ...
Several students at a middle school in Mississippi were hospitalized on Tuesday after ingesting edibles that were allegedly ...
The Department of Health has quietly banned cannabis edibles in South Africa, leaving proponents scratching their heads.
The brownies contained an estimated 250 mg of marijuana, police said. New users are advised to start with 2.5 mg.
The woman holding the brownies then approached Gene ... Give Blood, Get Free Weed: Popular Blood Drive Entices Donors with Cannabis (Exclusive) Selena Quintanilla's Widower Grows Emotional ...
An curved arrow pointing right. Legal marijuana in Colorado is not without its share of problems. Here's the reason why many people are getting sick. More from Science Legal marijuana in Colorado ...
Since 2015 when she launched ButACake, a cannabis edibles brand that’s hailed as N.J.‘s first owned by a Black woman, she’s developed a wide array of flavorful products: brownies ...