DURING the progress of the work of Coster and Hevesy on the concentration and isolation of the new element hafnium (atomic number 72), the discovery of which was announced in NATURE of January 20, p.
Coster and Prof. Hevesy of Copenhagen, and named by them hafnium, was doubtless similar in character to the deposit observed to occur in the bed of a rivulet at Tregonwell Mill, near Menaccan ...
Prospech is looking ahead to reviewing and sampling drill core from 81 more historical drill holes, focusing on hafnium, niobium, yttrium, scandium and tantalum. Managing director Jason Beckton ...
Prospech Limited (“Prospech”) is pleased to announce a significant expansion of its Jokikangas Rare Earths and Hafnium Project in Finland. This follows an increase in global hafnium prices ...