据INVEN报道,Zeus的经纪公司通过该媒体详细解释了去年转会期中涉及的四个核心争议要点。这些要点不仅揭示了转会过程中的种种波折,也直接反驳了T1方面的一些说法。同时,为了增加信息的透明度和可信度,Zeus的经纪公司还通过著名的Youtube视频主 ...
深入分析Zeus经纪公司的声明,我们可以梳理出一条清晰的时间线。去年11月16日,T1向Zeus发出了一份每年800万的报价,合同为期三年,最后一年的优先续约,但这一报价显然是无法接受的,因此经纪公司出手拒绝。随后的11月17日,T1提高报价至每年900万,然而Zeus的经纪公司依旧认为这个价格偏低,决定先观望其他球队的报价。11月18日,T1再度加价,在900万的基础上增加了100万,总价达到了 ...
Get all the news you need in your inbox each morning. The biggest dog in the world by height was Zeus, a Great Dane from Otsego, Michigan. According to the Guinness World Records, Zeus was 44 ...
Based in Sunnyvale, California, the semiconductor startup says Zeus has a “completely new GPU design for high-performance workloads including rendering, HPC, and gaming” and that it ...
A third and final season for “Blood of Zeus” is coming in 2025, but a premiere date as not been announced yet. Zounds, are there oracles of the ancient world from the Jersey Shore? It's not a ...