Xenleta is a systemic pleuromutilin antibacterial that inhibits bacterial protein synthesis through interactions with the A- and P-sites of the peptidyl transferase center (PTC) in domain V of the ...
Ireland-headquartered biotech Nabriva has picked up its first product approval, getting an FDA okay for antibiotic Xenleta as a treatment for community-acquired bacterial pneumonia (CABP).
Nabriva Therapeutics received U.S. FDA approval for XENLETA ® (lefamulin injection, lefamulin tablets), the first systemic pleuromutilin antibiotic for community-acquired bacterial pneumonia (CABP).
Xenleta (lefamulin acetate ... Meitheal acquired the North American rights to Contepo (fosfomycin for injection) from Nabriva. Contepo is an intravenous antibiotic that's shown success in treating ...