在俄罗斯市场,Yandex 是搜索引擎的巨头,占据了近 60% 的市场份额。对于希望在俄罗斯市场获得流量和曝光的企业来说,掌握 Yandex SEO 优化技巧至关重要。上海上弦将详细介绍 Yandex ...
为了帮助中国卖家抢占俄罗斯电商市场,俄罗斯领先的电商平台Yandex Market将于3月20日,在深圳星河吉酒店主办2025 Yandex ...
2025年,俄罗斯领先的电商平台Yandex Market发布2024年财报:平台全年9563亿卢布,同比增长48%,卖家占比91%。跨境GMV增长560%,拥有1900万+活跃买家。成为俄罗斯电商圈年度最大黑马。
在自动驾驶技术飞速发展的今天,现代汽车与俄罗斯科技巨头Yandex的自动驾驶公司Avride达成了一项激动人心的合作。双方计划研发出智能的网约车服务,首批100辆现代Ioniq 5 SUV将在今年内投放市场,目标是为乘客带来更安全、更便捷的出行体验。这项计划的实施,不仅证明了现代汽车在电动车和自动驾驶领域的前瞻性布局,也标志着两家公司在智能出行方面的持续创新。 据了解,Avride在海外多个城市已 ...
Russian internet firm Yandex reported annual revenues above 1 trillion roubles ($11.22 billion) for the first time on Thursday, in a year when the business underwent a significant restructuring.
The upgrade, powered by Yazeka, integrates AI-generated summaries in Turkish for more than 250,000 locations, from Istanbul's Galata Tower to the ancient city of Sardis near Izmir. Popovskiy noted ...
Last year, Yandex’s revenue grew 37% compared to 2023, reaching more than 1.09 trillion rubles ($12.3 billion). Adjusted net profit jumped by 94% to 100.9 billion rubles ($1.1 billion), while ...
The deal is one of several partnerships that Avride, the Austin-based autonomous vehicle startup that spun out of Yandex, has landed in the past year. It’s also the latest example of Hyundai ...