The escape attempt could be seen as Msituni's introduction to her fellow zoo residents, as she is new to the Reid Park Zoo.
The Zoo has announced the arrival of two new black-handed spider monkeys, a mother-daughter duo named Sadie and Ripley.
Archie, a Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens southern white rhino, has died of cancer at 55 after stint as his species' oldest male ...
Britain's Chester Zoo is celebrating the birth of a critically endangered Coquerel’s sifaka – also known as a ‘dancing lemur.
The latest addition to the Audubon Zoo was unveiled on Tuesday, and they call it, "Jaguar Jungle River's Edge." ...
The Topeka Zoo & Conservation Center is sharing that one of its resident animals died Tuesday. The Topeka Zoo announced in a ...
The plan focuses on three specific pillars that outline the zoo's aspirations: species and habitat protection, wildlife trade ...
She never had cubs but the zoo said Haley was known for being a "bright, inquisitive bear who enjoys enrichment, especially ...
STOCKTON, Tooele County — A zoo and conservation center in Tooele County has a new resident: a rare white water buffalo.
Chicago's Lincoln Park Zoo is welcoming three new meerkats. Clover, Violet, and Dahlia are just 1.5 years old and were born ...