Karen Read’s latest effort to have her murder case tossed, this one for allegedly “extraordinary governmental misconduct,” ...
Just one week before her retrial is set to start, a judge denied a motion filed by Karen Read’s lawyers to dismiss the case ...
Karen Read is back in court Tuesday, March 25, to wrap up more motions just a week before her retrial in a Canton murder case ...
Judge Beverly Cannone has denied Karen Read's motion to dismiss the entire case against her, setting the stage for her second ...
Much of Tuesday’s hearing was dedicated to prosecutors’ motion to block the defense from suggesting someone other than Read ...
The Massachusetts woman is accused of running down her boyfriend, a Boston police officer. Her first trial ended with a hung ...
The motion to dismiss for “extraordinary governmental misconduct” accused prosecutors of withholding critical evidence from ...
Special prosecutor Hank Brennan verbally argued in a hearing Tuesday that Read had “waived” her right to the privileged ...
Judge Beverly Cannone denied a motion asking for Karen Read's texts and emails with her attorney, but deferred ruling on ...
Read is accused of hitting John O’Keefe, her Boston police officer, with her Lexus SUV and leaving him to die after a night ...
Tuesday marks what is supposed to be the last hearing before Karen Read's second murder trial begins next week.