Get ready as BTS' J-Hope prepares to release six exciting remixes of his latest single 'Sweet Dreams' featuring Miguel.
在这个充满期待的时刻,防弹少年团(BTS)成员j-hope,即郑号锡,宣布了他的最新单曲《Sweet Dreams (feat. Miguel)》将于2025年3月7日下午2点(KST)正式发行。这不仅是对粉丝的一份礼物,也是j-hope个人音乐旅程中的一个重要里程碑。
After kicking off the dance challenge with none other than fellow BTS member Jin, J-Hope proceeded to dance with TXT's ...
在这个音乐作品层出不穷的时代,每一天都有无数的新歌发布,但总有那么几首歌曲能够从众多作品中脱颖而出,引起大家的注意。最近,就有两首风格迥异却同样吸引人的单曲在同一日发行:一首是被网友戏称为'哪吒他姐'的神秘新作,另一首则是来自防弹少年团成员J-Hop ...
韩国天团BTS成员j-hope首次个人世界巡演首尔站上周圆满落幕,近日挟全新单曲登上短影音平台TikTok,台湾时间2月28日抢先于独家首播活动释出了这首备受瞩目的〈Sweet Dreams (feat. Miguel)〉片段,完整版今(7日)终 ...
Switching from Korean to English, j-hope said he ordered a cheeseburger, animal-style, a vanilla milkshake and fries. “It was ...
The dancer-rapper marked his latest release by doing multiple dance challenges with K-pop idols on the official social media ...
Hope's Sweet Dreams challenge along with Japanese singer Momo. The viral dance video showed the trio matching steps. It is ...
Hope is set to drop his six-track Sweet Dreams Remix album on March 11, featuring six diverse remixes. But where and when can you watch the album remixes? Check out the details here.
J-Hope just dropped a big news in classic, lowkey BTS manner– he will gift fans with two new singles following Sweet Dreams.