A prized bird was ‘stuffed down a man’s shorts’ and stolen from a pet shop, before being ‘returned by a woman in a balaclava’ ...
The Indian jungles are a paradise for birdwatchers. These jungles offer a chance to spot vibrant and exotic birds in their ...
The federal appeals court ruled that an entire bird species must be added to the approved import list, rather than granting permission on a country-by-country basis.
In yet another crackdown on international wildlife smuggling, the Air Intelligence Unit (AIU) of the Customs Department at ...
The 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the rejection of petitions to import the cactus conure and the green form of ...
Santa Barbara International Orchid Show was back for its 77th season. The theme: 'Exotic Gardens'. Merlie and I attended the ...
The reported sighting of two young peacocks in Naramata, B.C., has residents buzzing about the possible return of the exotic birds to the Okanagan community, which has a storied history with the ...
VENTURA, Calif. — The Exotic Bird Mart & Expo returned to the Ventura County Fairgrounds on Saturday. Some birds appeared to talk to passersby as visitors had the opportunity to see a variety of ...
But the smuggling cartels keep trying to slip exotic animals through Chennai, which is a short flight away from Thailand and Malaysia. "There are more than 100 groups in Chennai that smuggle in ...