CISA confirms cascading attack from reviewdog to tj-actions exposed sensitive credentials across 23,000+ repositories.
The compromise of GitHub Action tj-actions/changed-files has impacted only a small percentage of the 23,000 projects using it ...
StepSecurity disclosed a compromise of the popular GitHub Action tj-actions/changed-files, which works to detect file changes ...
A compromise of the popular GitHub Actions tool turned into a massive supply chain attack, at this point thought to be ...
Tens of thousands of repositories have fallen victim to a supply chain attack via a GitHub Action. Security specialists at ...
The tj-actions/changed-files GitHub Action, which is used in 23,000 repositories, has been targeted in a supply chain attack.
Open source software used by more than 23,000 organizations, some of them in large enterprises, was compromised with ...
A cascading supply chain attack that began with the compromise of the "reviewdog/action-setup@v1" GitHub Action is believed ...
The GitHub Action supply chain compromise that threatened the security of more than 23,000 repositories appears to be linked ...
CISA warns of CVE-2025-30066, a GitHub supply chain attack exposing secrets via compromised actions logs. Update ...
A supply chain attack on a GitHub Actions tool has put up to 23,000 organisations at risk of having credentials stolen.
GitHub Action tj-actions/changed-files was compromised, leaking CI/CD secrets. Users must update immediately to prevent ...