2025年2月28日,日产官网一纸公告,让全球车迷的青春彻底成了“绝版限定”——叱咤江湖18年的“东瀛战神”GT-R R35正式停止接单。这场告别看似体面,实则悲壮:最后一波日本本土订单被疯抢一空,生产线上的每一台GT-R都成了带编号的“活化石”。有人在二手平台挂出珍藏的初代R35车模,标价翻了三倍;有人连夜驱车赶往4S店,只为和展厅里的展车合影;更有人对着手机里的《速度与激情》经典片段哭喊:“布 ...
If you had just under 3 seconds to think and answer, what would be the single, most memorable feature about the R35 Nissan GT-R? How fast it gets to 60 mph? Maybe, but no. Successively ...
The GT-R R35 had been around since 2007 ... With that time, the GT-R became the fastest mass-produced car in the Green Hell. Now, that was quite a business card. Orders started pouring in ...
Back in 2007 when the R35 Nissan GT-R first debuted in Japan, its facts and figures looked like something from a dreamscape – an ensemble of tech none doubted took the full seven years of ...
The order books on the R35-generation Nissan GT-R have officially closed in Japan. With no replacement in sight and Nissan's shaky financials, this might be it for the sports car also known as ...