在形态上,据悉折叠屏iPad Pro工程机采用书本式内折方案,闭合状态下厚度约15mm,重量或突破1000克。尽管便携性引发争议,但苹果似乎更看重其作为“背包设备”的定位,既能随身携带,又能随时展开为高效生产力工具,明显可以替代部分MacBook功能。
The 11-inch iPad Pro with Apple M2 (Wi-Fi, 2TB) is on sale today at Best Buy! Take home this fast and powerful Apple tablet ...
大家好!曾几何时,笔记本电脑是我的“随身办公室”,但近年来平板跨端互联的风潮正悄悄崛起,让我开始思考:或许笔记本真的可以退休了?今天,就让我带大家走进2024年全新上市的Apple iPad Pro 13英寸M4芯片版,2TB eSIM版,深空黑色——这款被誉为平板界“终极神器”的新品,到底能否取代笔记本电脑? 平板电脑一直以便携轻巧著称,但功能上总显得有些捉襟见肘。如今,随着跨端互联技术的飞速发 ...
You have less than 24 hours to get Apple's M2-powered 11-inch iPad Pro (2022) with a monumental 2TB internal storage space at an overwhelming $900 discount at Best Buy.
At the other is the 13-inch iPad Pro, with 2TB of storage capacity, a Nano-texture glass option, and cellular access. That can be bought for a mere $2,599. That means there's a price difference of ...
It would exceed the price of a 13-inch iPad Pro with the maximum 2TB allocation of storage (although not if you sprung for cellular and nano-texture glass), or an M4 Max Mac Studio with Final Cut ...
Those prices are quite a bit cheaper than the iPad Pro M4. Its 11-inch model starts at £999 for 256GB, going up to £1199 for 512GB, £1599 for 1TB and £1999 for 2TB. The 13-inch Pro is £1299 for 256GB, ...
While Apple has now released another laptop equipped with M4 power in the new MacBook Air – you can already score one for $50 off at Amazon with no trade needed, this morning we are zeroing-in on a ...