还记得刚踏入工作时,花了大几千买了部当年正流行热销iPhone xs用,这么多年过去了,在单位发了安卓工作手机后,如今它在我的抽屉里也是封存了很长时间了,因为对这款iPhone xs的情感,同时也是因为这款手机的颜值和性能,真舍不得将它送人或卖掉。
It is unlikely to be updated further and may contain duplicate or outdated information. The iPhone XS Max was one of Apple's two 2018 flagships. It continued with the full-screen design and Face ...
It is unlikely to be updated further and may contain duplicate or outdated information. The iPhone XS is Apple's now-retired 2018 flagship. It continued with the full-screen design and Face ID ...
then it would actually be an old color returning – gold has been available each year on at least some iPhone models since the ...