通过精确定位导致活性差异的氨基酸(蛋白质的基本组件),研究人员就能开发并测试一种利用这些氨基酸来治疗细胞系和癌症小鼠模型中结直肠癌的药物策略,表观遗传学指的是在不改变DNA的情况下对促进癌症生长和扩散的基因进行的化学性改变。研究者Stephen ...
A complex molecular machine, the spliceosome, ensures that the genetic information from the genome, after being transcribed ...
来自Hubrecht研究所Tanenbaum小组的科学家们开发出一种先进的显微镜技术来观察活细胞内的核糖体。这种方法使研究人员能够跟踪单个核糖体将mRNA转化为蛋白质的过程。他们的研究发现了一个令人惊讶的现象:当核糖体遇到障碍时,它们会相互帮助,这一过程被他们称为“核糖体合作”。这些发现发表于1月31日的《Cell》杂志上,为蛋白质合成提供了新的见解,并为科学家们更密切地研究mRNA翻译提供了有力 ...
A research team from POSTECH has developed a biodegradable polymer-based delivery system that efficiently transports mRNA.
A research team led by Professor Won Jong Kim from the Department of Chemistry at POSTECH, in collaboration with the Korea ...
While some of the initial zeal around localized vaccine production in Africa has waned since the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, efforts to bolster the continent’s immunization autonomy—especially | ...
A research team has developed a biodegradable polymer-based delivery system that efficiently transports mRNA.