Find the answers to all the questions you have regarding the UK's secret Technical Capability Notice (TCN) powers, Apple, and our fight against them. The UK government has used its surveillance to ...
On 13 March 2025, we filed a complaint against the UK government challenging their use of dangerous, disproportionate and intrusive surveillance powers to undermine the privacy and security of people ...
We fight for a world where technology will empower and enable us, not exploit our data for profit and power. This means providing people with ways to take concrete action to protect themselves or ...
Privacy International ("PI") strongly believes that you have the right to control the use of your personal information, and that your privacy must be respected. We ...
We are building a global movement. We are supporting civil society partners in countries across the world, who constitute our international network of privacy advocates and researchers. Together we ...
Just want to get started? Scroll down to view the list of guides! Imagine an ordinary day online: in the morning you check your e-mail and scroll through your favourite sites to learn about the latest ...
This guide was designed for our partners across the world who want to see strong data protection laws in their countries. We identify some key points that they can use in their advocacy. This version ...
Protecting your account starts with the settings of your Telegram account to tighten your privacy and limit risks. This guide addresses profile visibility, two step verification and account deletion.
Telegram is an app running on your phone and as such may ask for permissions to access certain info such as location or contact. This guide shows you how to review these settings. The first time you ...
Ten years ago, the then Home Secretary, Theresa May, announced a 'hostile environment' strategy to combat what she called 'illegal immigration' in the UK. The aim of the strategy was to deter migrants ...
Privacy International partnered with the International Human Rights Clinic at Harvard Law School to guide the reader through a simple presentation of the legal ...
Two-Factor authentication provides an extra security step in order to access your account. This way, besides asking for your username and password, Instagram will verify your identity by sending a ...