Commerce City, CO, USA | Design Workshop - Denver | Client: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Army, United States Government, and Shell Oil Company ...
People and Places. This project compared the quality of landscape features at assisted living facilities, with actual levels of outdoor usage by residents. The purpose was to determine whether ...
Sherbourne Commons, the civic heart of an emerging community, together with many exemplary public realm contributions, exemplifies how initial investment in public space can be a regenerative force ...
Rainfall picks up contaminants from impervious surfaces such as asphalt and concrete streets, driveways, and other pathways, which further contribute to water pollution. In comparison, increasing a ...
Roof produced a 10 percent decrease in building energy use over the winter months. The temperature on the green roof on the hottest summer days can be as much as 59 degrees cooler than conventional ...
A critical aspect of the redesign of the garden was to engage visitors at the entry gate. A linear light feature draws the eye into the desert landscape. A panoramic view of the garden and surrounding ...
Landscape architecture combines art and science. It is the profession that designs, plans and manages our land. Landscape architecture has strong roots in the U.S., and early examples, such as ...
View of the main garden. 2 beautiful existing rain trees and other trees are all kept in our new design.
(CHU) Concrete Habitat Units: Anywhere, Los Angeles, CA — Examining the latent potential of the singular construction unit in order to construct truly site-adjusted conditions of wildly unique ...
The design offers intimate moments for people to experience in a very big space. Makes you feel like you have your own backyard. The NorthPoint Apartments, built in 1969 in San Francisco’s North Beach ...
Seattle, WA | Biruk Belay Yoseph, Assoc ASLA; Janice Chen, Assoc. ASLA; Cami Culbertson, Assoc. ASLA; Ann Dinthongsal, Assoc. ASLA; Lindsey Gadbois, Assoc. ASLA ...