Нина Коляко, БК, Рига, 02.03.2010. версия для печати Группа активистов, называющая себя Народной армией 4-ой Атмоды (4ATA), обнародовала зарплаты сотрудников Банка Латвии (БЛ). Как пишет в социальной ...
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is ready to acquire the minority stake at Parex banka, making an investment of EUR 100 million (LVL 70 million), Prime Minister Valdis ...
Over the first two quarters of the year 2008, the company Ragutis exported 168,000 liters of Fizz cider to Great Britain, 2.5 times more compared to January-June 2007. As of October 2008, cider is ...
Citadele investors include former chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve, Paul Volcker, and Egyptian billionaire Nassef Sawiris, informs LETA. As reported, the sale agreement was signed on November 5 ...
По инициативе Совета присяжных судебных исполнителей Министерство юстиции Латвии разработало законопроект “О внесении изменений в Закон “О судебных исполнителях”. Он предусматривает ...
Responsible Lending Guidelines, approved by the Bank of Lithuania, prohibit the banks from lending to their clients over 85% of the value of the bought asset, while a monthly repay of the loan cannot ...
According to a survey, which purpose was to clarify what eye color the people of Latvia have, turned out that the most common eye color among citizens of Latvia is bluish-grey. The research, which was ...
В среду эксперты Вильнюсского отделения Международной организации по миграции объявили о сокращении случаев торговли людьми в Литве. Литовские специалисты по проблеме торговли людьми во ...
G4S Lietuva, one of Lithuania's leading security and cash collection services providers, has been imposed a fine of 2.773 million euros for banned deals with Swedbank, DNB and SEB on the cash ...
The commanders of the land forces of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia on Friday signed an agreement to suspend the trilateral Baltic battalion (BALTBAT) project as of 2021, writes LETA/BNS. The document ...
Lithuanian companies – Mažeikiu nafta, Maxima LT and Koncernas Achemos grupe are the biggest in the Baltics, as to their turnover. That was a summary of an assessment by the business dailies in the ...
Поменять латы на евро можно будет в 627 местах, а внести деньги на счет — в 1078 местах по всей Латвии, сообщила сегодня журналистам руководитель бюро по введению евро Министерства финансов ...