This year we will be running essay competitions in Ancient World and Classics, Archaeology, Economics, Land Economy, Medieval World and Slavonic Studies. Further particulars and this year's questions ...
Fitzwilliam is a home to people of all faiths and none. All major world faiths are represented in our college community and there is a great range of student societies to offer support and fellowship ...
Whether you are just starting to explore your options and would like some general information about student life at Fitz, or whether you have specific questions about a particular course, you're in ...
Fitzwilliam is a fantastic place to work and over 200 academic and non-academic staff members live and work around the College site. Fitz is a welcoming, supportive community, situated 10 mins walk ...
On this page you will find a repository of public documents and policies relating to the College's activities. If you are a current member of College, further information is available in MyFitz.
Davide is an Assistant Professor of Economic Geography at the Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge, a Fellow at Cambridge Centre for Environment, Energy and Natural Resource Governance, ...
You will experience the world-leading teaching offered at Fitzwilliam, by the same academics who are responsible for educating our own undergraduate students. The programme and the courses are ...
Fitzwilliam College is launching its inaugural translation competitions in French and German. We would like you to translate your chosen passage into English. Please also select and underline UP TO ...
All former Fitzwilliam students are lifelong members of the College and are part of a community of over 11,000 alumni all over the world. The Development Office works to ensure that all alumni ...
Computer Science is a fast-moving subject that underpins much of today’s society and will be the key to tomorrow’s. Often confused with learning to program, Computer Science is fundamentally about ...
Professor Ianthi Maria Tsimpli is Chair of English and Applied Linguistics at the Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages and Linguistics. She ...