We will consider some possible sources and contours of grief today, including related to Covid-19. We will explore aspects of coping with grief, with particular focus on contemporary understandings of ...
It made Cave a religious person—although not a traditional Christian or even someone who necessarily believes in God ... Created from more than 40 hours of conversation with O’Hagan, the book examines ...
Participants are encouraged (though not required) to purchase a copy of A New Parish Guide to Grief Ministry: Creative Ways to Implement a Program of Healing and Growth, available from Twenty-Third ...
Rituals performed after loss lessen the intensity of grief. And the rituals we perform with others bring us into alignment with our communities. Going through the motions together creates social ...
Erin Nelson and her team of professionals and dedicated volunteers at Jessica’s House have been offering support for children ...
MADISON, Wis. (WMTV) - Processing grief through reading, the Madison Public Library is providing grief related books for the community to reflect on their feelings after the school shooting at ...
I have additional experience with couples, individuals, trauma, addictions, relationships, anxiety, depression, grief, and self-esteem. The phrase “ Christian Counseling” gets thrown around a ...