We observed that how often other monkeys sought out older females as ... Figuring out how to maintain valuable social relationships into old age is likely to play a key role in that endeavor.
The monkeys were observed for nearly 3.5 years ... as the aging and senior population in the US surges and old-age related conditions such as Alzheimer's disease increase. While an estimated ...
Under undisturbed conditions Old World monkey infants are weaned by their mothers at the age of about one year (Hall & DeVore, 1965; Southwick, Beg, & Siddiqi, 1965; Poirier, 1970; Roonwal & Mohnot, ...
These vocal primates are the biggest of all the New World monkeys. Unlike Old World monkeys, howlers and other New World species have wide, side-opening nostrils and no pads on their rumps.
The Barbary macaque is a monkey of many distinctions ... and buried beneath an Irish hilltop where the Bronze Age kings of Ulster once held court. These days the Barbary macaque’s range has ...