自去年12月起,PlayStation架构师Mark Cerny就已抛出一个令人兴奋的消息:索尼与AMD联手推出的“紫水晶计划”(Project Amethyst),几乎是对PS6的首次确认。这一合作不仅是双方的技术互动,更是一个关于未来游戏机的革命性暗示! 就在今天,AMD隆重召开“Radeon日”,并借此机会大力宣传这一合作项目,同时发布了全新的Radeon RX 9070 XT和RX 907 ...
A Sony patent has been found that could result in the most significant new controller technology since gaming began. Sony is ...
While the latest release of the PlayStation 5 had some fans a little underwhelmed, the promise of a PS6 redemption has kept many hopeful – until now. Taking to Reddit, one fan analysed the PlayStation ...
AMD再次透露了其与索尼在PS6开发上的合作情况,并表示其FSR 4技术的发布 “仅仅是个开始”。AMD最新的超分辨率技术FSR 4是与索尼共同开发的,索尼为训练FSR 4所使用的模型提供了帮助,其中包括PlayStation光谱超分辨率技术 (PSSR)。
IT之家 3 月 8 日消息,AMD Radeon X 平台官方账号发文,透露 FSR 4 技术系 AMD 与索尼 PlayStation 合作 ... 未来索尼 PS6 有望引入更多相应 AI 超分技术。
With the PS5 Pro having released at the end of this past year, the PS6 will presumably be the next major PlayStation console that will come about. And while the PS6 is still likely years away from ...
IT之家 3 月 8 日消息,AMD Radeon X 平台官方账号发文,透露 FSR 4 技术系 AMD 与索尼 PlayStation 合作开发而成,隶属“Project Amethyst(紫水晶计划)”,AMD 同时表示其正与索尼“致力后续内容研发”。AMD 与索尼在去年 12 月公布了 Project ...
With the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One both launching in 2013, and the PS5 and Xbox Series X releasing within a few weeks of each other in 2020, it stands to reason that the PS6 and next-gen Xbox will ...
PlayStation Home has been dead for the last two console generations, but its return could conceivably be just around the ...
A 2027 release date for the PS6 is looking more and more likely following the latest PlayStation sales figures. Not only are PlayStation hardware sales down, but PS5 Pro sales have also started to ...
18 天on MSN
去年12月,PlayStation架构师Mark Cerny透露,索尼与AMD合作开展“紫水晶计划”(Project Amethyst),这几乎确认了PS6的存在。这一合作旨在通过机器学习实现双方互利的技术突破。
IT之家 3 月 8 日消息,AMD Radeon X平台官方账号发文,透露FSR 4技术系 AMD与索尼PlayStation合作开发 ... 未来索尼 PS6 有望引入更多相应 AI 超分技术。