These exceptional thinkers have helped shape philosophical discourse with fresh perspectives and profound insights. However, they don’t always get the recognition they deserve. So, who are these ...
Deep thinkers who are fascinated by abstract concepts such as love, happiness, success and truth should consider pursuing a degree in philosophy. This type of degree is geared toward individuals ...
The Philosophy department of The New School for Social Research has inherited a legacy of critical thinking and public social and political engagement from thinkers such as Hannah Arendt, Hans Jonas, ...
Jewish philosophy has cast Spinoza as a turning point between the old and the new ... Spinoza served as a mirror for many, probably most, modern Jewish thinkers, a mirror through which one can detect ...
the history of philosophy, and political thinking.” It also praised his work saying it is “particularly valuable in the current era of troubled global capitalism, crisis in democratic states ...
Lauren specializes in 18th century philosophy, and works on thinkers like David Hume, Adam Smith, and Jane Austen. Her research reveals a fascinating portrait of the kind of philosophical work they ...
A forum for contemporary philosophers and other thinkers on issues both timely and timeless. The series moderator is Simon Critchley, who teaches philosophy at The New School for Social Research.