Small breeds are an easy entry into the world of dairy cattle. In 2006, Pat Schout and his wife, Elia, began homesteading in east-central Illinois. They wanted to raise their own food, including ...
Kasel: "I raise bucking bulls. So, I'll have bulls out this weekend." Outside of bull riding, what are your favorite things to do? Crimber: "Golf. That's it. Yes, ma'am. That's all I got to do.
Minot, ND Auctioneer: Seth Weishaar Averages:19 Yrlng Angus Bulls – $4,750 The Sundsbak Family have been raising Angus cattle ...
When talk turns to raising cattle in a real world environment, it doesn't come more genuine than what the Wildman family of Towaw Cattle Company in Alberta, Canada, are doing. In country where the ...