The voracious and unstoppable Tyranids are a major foe in the 10th edition ... fans who want to learn more about the T’au can check out the recently released Elemental Council by Noah Van Nguyen, a ...
Tyranids are a unified species led by the powerful and intelligent Hive Mind, evolving to adapt to threats. Tyranids consist of deadly bioforms like Trygons, Lictors, Zoanthropes, Broodlords, and ...
Tyranid Attack! is an easy to learn game and that pits a variety of Space Marines who are trying to meet mission objectives ...
Cass Marshall is a news writer focusing on gaming and culture coverage, taking a particular interest in the human stories of the wild world of online games. In Warhammer 40K, the Aeldari Empire ...
A Tyranid warrior often accompanies groups of Termagants and Hormagaunts. This variant fires pods that explode into an entanglement of poisonous thorns to entrap its enemies. The Tyranid Warrior ...