It’s rarely discussed, but narcissistic relationships can leave people with gut issues. Which then leads to a whole array of other physical and mental issues. As well as digesting your food, your gut ...
Let’s face it, narcissists are takers. They approach relationships with one main goal – to take as much as they can. Narcissists aren’t interested in equal relationships. They want to dominate. This ...
Whether you’re friends, colleagues, or lovers, narcissists often drive a wedge between you and other people. And there’s several reasons why they do this… Narcissists want to be liked and… ...
Leadership attracts narcissists like moths to flames. Because they like being in charge, having a high social status, and taking centre stage. So it’s likely narcissists are overrepresented in ...
Let’s face it, narcissists are takers. They approach relationships with one main goal – to take as much as they can. Narcissists aren’t interested in equal relationships. They want to… ...
A lot written about narcissists relates to romantic relationships. So for a change, I thought I’d write about narcissists in friendships. And how narcissists treat their friends. There’s obviously ...
One thing I’ve noticed about most narcissists is they LOVE being ill. My Dad used to regularly ask “do I look ill?”, whilst putting on his best sick face. If… ...
A common complaint I hear from people leaving relationships with narcissists is that they lose themselves. And I can totally relate to this. By “losing yourself”, I mean losing who… ...
Narcissists notoriously test boundaries. And there’s a simple reason why… In relationships, narcissists want to use and abuse as much as possible. They aspire to take as much as they… ...
Most narcissists like to have sex. Nothing unusual there. But they usually have a very different attitude towards it. Narcissists tend to see sex in a different way to people… ...
Most narcissists like to have sex. Nothing unusual there. But they usually have a very different attitude towards it. Narcissists tend to see sex in a different way to people… ...