Because of you, Alliance broadcasts bring sound doctrine and biblical clarity to bear on all of life! The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is a coalition of confessional pastors, scholars, and ...
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Please join us at the third Quakertown Women’s Conference on May 17-18, 2024. The theme of the two-day conference is A Woman’s Wisdom: How the Book of Proverbs ...
Bob Brady gives a quick video update on the Alliance and the ExtraOrdinary Give is here!’re too mean to Aimee. XD Good thing she’s so sweet. Thanks for the content! Y’all make me laugh and feel smarter.
Up to this point, we have dealt largely with sin and judgment. Judgment is a grim note. It is not something that we want when we see it unfolding, especially unfolding on a member of the people of God ...
Jesus’ spoken words from the cross emphasize the truths of forgiveness ("Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do." Luke 23:34), hope ("Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in ...
“Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave ...
In this week’s lessons, we learn that God’s grace has been shown to all, supremely in the Lord Jesus Christ, who out of his rejection became the capstone for all who come to him in faith. Scripture: ...
Theme: Who, what, when, where, and why. This week’s lessons teach us the various theories concerning the authorship and date of the Book of Revelation. Revelation is a number of things wrapped up in ...
This week’s lessons teach us that our God is all-powerful. On one occasion a rich young man had come to him, asking what most ministers would consider a marvelous question. He said, "Good Master, how ...
This week’s lessons encourage us with the truth that because God always finishes what he begins, every true believer will receive God’s eternal glory in Christ. Scripture: 1 Peter 5:10 At the ...