The publishing house Dienas mediji editor in chief Nellija Locmele and the editor in chief of the newspaper Diena Anita Brauna have submitted their resignations and left the newspaper, LETA was ...
Riga Central District Court today ruled the basketball club "ASK Riga" insolvent. The basketball club was ruled insolvent as of April 24, as Kaspars Sadauskis, aide to the court's chairperson, ...
As the newspaper "Dienas Bizness" reports, the Riga railroad car factory "Rigas Vagonbuves rupnica" (RVR) together with the Belarusian company "Belkomunalmash" are working on a plan for tram ...
Representatives of environmental organizations and the society argue that Lithuania should speak out clearly against the construction of nuclear power plant in Astraviec, Belarus. According to them, ...
Majority of analysts, interviewed by Estonian business daily Äripäev, noted that current financial crisis in the US has hit Estonia at the worst possible moment, the Baltic Business News Channel ...
Одни из крупнейших в Европе производителей строительной пены и герметиков — эстонский Krimelte построил новое здание таллиннского завода и собирается и в дальнейшем наращивать объемы ...
The most expensive car, sold in Lithuania in 2013, is a Bentley Mulsanne sedane, which costs 776,000 litas, reports LETA, referring to the business news portal Verslo Zinious. The second most ...
Estonia has completed the decade-long clean-up of one of Europe's most hazardous radioactive waste dumps on the Baltic coast, an official in charge of the operation said Monday. "It is completely safe ...
Случайно или нет, но вслед за нашим обширным обзором ресторанного бизнеса, компания Lursoft подготовила свой анализ отрасли общественного питания в Латвии. БК предлагает сокращенный перевод ...
Презентация книги экс-презизента Литвы Валдаса Адамкуса "Последняя каденция: Дневники президента" состоится сегодня вечером в Вильнюсской ратуше. Отмечающий 85-летний юбилей В.Адамкус ...
Недавно в Риге зарегистрирован Институт Ближнего и Среднего Востока (ИБСВ). Учредителями стали его директор, доктор социологии Айдын Аскеров и доктор экономики, профессор Балтийской ...
Chinece manufacturer of video and surveillance equipment Hikvision Singapore Pte Ltd has been granted permission by the Estonian Competition Authority to acquire the Baltic security systems wholesaler ...